Hints, Tips, and Other Useful Information

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Workout - Deck of Cards

All you need to do this workout is a little creativity and a deck of cards!  At my house, we have no shortage on decks of cards! 

So many options!

The first thing you will do is assign an exercise to each suit in the deck.  I like to choose at least 1 upper body exercise, 1 lower body exercise, and 1 core exercise.  For the fourth suit I pick an exercise that targets multiple muscle groups, burpees for example.  To make this super easy for you I've listed several exercises for each category!

Clubs (upper body)

  • Push ups
  • Tricep Dips
  • Dumbbell Curls
  • Dumbbell Row (includes the back in this one)
  • Inverted Push ups
  • Dumbbell Bench Press
  • Dumbbell Fly

Diamonds (lower body)

  • Squat Jumps
  • Squats
  • 1 Legged Squats
  • Sumo Squats
  • Calf Raises
  • Hamstring Curl with a stability ball
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Squat Tuck Jumps

Hearts (core)

  • Stomach Dippers
  • Leg Raises
  • Plank Jacks
  • Side Plank Dips
  • Side Crunches
  • Russian Twist
  • Stability Ball Crunches

Spades (multiple muscle groups)

  • Burpees (with a push up!)
  • Football runs with a drop down onto your stomach
  • Burpees (with knee raises, no push up)
  • Inchworm with a squat each time your feet touch your hands

Doing the Workout

To do the workout, pick one exercise from each category and you will do this exercise every time you flip a card of that suit.  Feel free to assign exercises not listed above when you are doing this yourself!

Clubs=Push ups
Diamonds=Squat Jumps
Hearts=Side Plank Dips
Spades=Burpees with knee raises.  

For reps you will do whatever the value of the card is.  For example if you flip the 7 of Hearts, you would be doing 7 Side Plank Dips on each side for that card.  Then flip the next card, let's call it the Jack of Spades, do 11 Burpees with knee raises.  Continue to flip cards and do the equivalent exercises and reps until you have done all 52 cards!  Super simple and super effective!  And you never know what is coming so you can't psych yourself out.  

If you want to make this harder on yourself add 10 reps to the value of each card.  This way an Ace becomes 11, a 2 becomes 12, a 3 becomes 13... a Jack becomes 21, a Queen becomes 22, and a King becomes 23.  You can also go through the deck more than once if you feel so inclined!  

 Stephanie Ann

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