Hints, Tips, and Other Useful Information

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Recipe - Beet, Arugula, and Endive Salad

It is winter in Vermont which means that beets are one of the few vegetables that are considered in season!  I like to try to incorporate local veggies whenever possible though it does get tricky in the middle of the winter.
The blue berries really rounded this salad off nicely.
Beets are super healthy for you because they are full of the following nutrients!

Beets, sliced, cooked
1.00 cup

170.00 grams
Calories: 75
GI: med
World's Healthiest
Foods Rating
folate136.00 mcg348.2excellent
manganese0.55 mg286.6very good
potassium518.50 mg153.6very good
copper0.13 mg143.5very good
fiber3.40 g143.3good
magnesium39.10 mg102.4good
phosphorus64.60 mg92.2good
vitamin C6.12 mg82.0good
iron1.34 mg71.8good
vitamin B60.11 mg61.6

  • 1-2 Medium Sized Beets
  • 1 Endive
  • Arugula
  • Spring Mix Salad Greens
  • Blue Berries
  • Balsamic Vinaigrette
  • Olive Oil
  • Salt and Pepper

  1.  Clean and peel the beets.  I suggest doing this over the sink because they will turn everything red.  Once peeled, quarter beets and then thinly slice and set aside.
  2.  Remove the core from the endive and separate leaves from one another.  Thinly slice leaves horizontally and set aside with the beets.
  3.  Combine the arugula and spring salad greens to a proportion that you enjoy.  For example I love arugula so my ratio of arugula to salad greens is closer to 3:1 than say someone who isn't a huge fan of arugula.  Their ratio may be closer to 1:3 arugula to spring greens.  Slightly chop the greens.  You can include the beet greens here.  (I used them in a separate dish)
  4.  In a large glass bowl combine balsamic vinaigrette and olive oil at a 2:1 ratio and season with salt and pepper.  I tend to dress my salads lightly using just enough dressing to barely coat all of the ingredients.
  5.  Add the beets, endive, and arugula/greens to the dressing and toss.
  6.  Using your green container, divide the salad into as many full green containers as possible.  I was able to divide mine into 3 separate green containers, putting each into their own tupperware dish.
  7.   Using the purple container, fill it half way with blueberries.  Add to the tupperware dishes already containing your salad.

Container Amounts Per Tupperware Dish
  • 1 Green
  • 1/2 Purple
  • 1 tsp
**Easily and scrumptiously pairs with smoked lox to add 1/2 a Red to your meal.

Some of my meal prepping for the week including my beet, endive and arugula salad.  I also used my beets in my green bean stir fry and roasted some to go with my roasted butternut squash!

 Stephanie Ann

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