Hints, Tips, and Other Useful Information

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Tracking Apps and Old-Fashioned Pen and Paper

Accountability, accountability, accountability.

Old School

Keeping track of how you are doing can help make establishing a new habit that much easier and it holds you accountable to yourself.  For a little reading on how/why this works check out this article by LifeHacker.com.  For my first challenge, I plan on using a good old fashioned pen and paper tracking journal!  Yes, I spent time today cutting and using glue sticks to create my own tracker and yes, I super enjoyed the prep session.

My Cheat Sheet for Container Food Choices
Along with what containers I have had and my workout of the day, I plan to track what specific foods I ate and how I felt throughout the day!  Doing everything I can right now to make the meal plan portion of this challenge as easy as possible because it is the part that I am most nervous about.  Being proactive versus reactive will also make it easier to establish a new habit.

New School

Not everyone wants to carry around a journal with them though.  I like my journal because it gives me something very tangible with which I can track my progress.  That being said there are some smart phone apps available specifically for the 21 Day Fix Extreme Program.

Through Google Play...

Through Apple....

I'm sure there are more apps than what I listed above.  Like I said, I've never used any of these but would love to hear some reviews by anyone that has!

Happy Saturday!

 Stephanie Ann

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